Sales Clinic

“Sales is not a profession; it is a trademarked attitude”

“Sales Clinic” is a well-designed ‘bouquet’ that increases profit and effectiveness. By this program, BCTS helps you discovering more yourself, increasing Sales Finance Volume, leveling up the Skills and Mind of your sales team and increasing your Benefits! 

BCTS has included phases in this process like:

Work flow assessment: Questionnaires and scientific tests (Psychometric – Numerical) are used to evaluate the working environment and sales abilities.

Mystery Shopping: Our Mystery shoppers will visit your active branches at least 2 or 3 times to assess the overall Behavioral & On real ground situation.

General Sales Training: Training programs will be delivered according to the results of the first stage using the updated training techniques and methodologies

Advanced Assessment/ Coaching: Following the training sessions, a new type of evaluation is made focused on interpersonal/intrapersonal criteria to highlight improvements and cover remaining gaps.

Revelation of findings to Upper Management: Serving permanent development and improvement: Management will continuously be updated with individual and group evaluation in terms of abilities, skills & preliminary / advanced suggestions reports.